HYMBracing Meditations
Helping You to Build a Personal Relationship with Your-self through Personal Meditations
PRIME COLORS- (Nature ) Come from the earth
Red, Yellow, Blue- Cannot get mixed by any colors to form
Mix all-Together becomes Black
Mix with white becomes something Beautiful
Colors are more than just pretty attributes in clothing...nor is it just an attraction to compliment your skin tones, eyes, or hairstyles... Colors were used by THE MOST HIGH to describe characteristics, feelings, emotions, gratitude, honor, rewards, and such....and your clothing should represent a spiritual essence of yourself, by not only Color...but also with the spirit of as intended to be worn quoted within his commandments and to be a significant part followed throughout your walk of life. Its the same with wearing your bracelets they are a personal part of your make up and being. DAILY. Helping Yourself to Rebuild a relationship with oneself learning how to maneuver through your situations and even relax and regain your own peace and balance.
White- Bride Of Christ ,Surrender, harvest, Light, Righteousness, Conquest, Victory, Blessedness, Joy, Angels, Saints, Peace, Completion, Triumph.
Brown- End Of Season, fertility, earth and concepts of all material and organic, the color of earth, comfort, and nurturing affects of the mind, wholesomeness, stability, and peace.
Yellow- Faith, Glory Of God, Anointing, Joy
Black- Darkness, Sin, Earth Affliction, Humiliation, Calamity, Death, Mourning
-Colors In The Bible And Their Meaning
Amber- Glory Of God, Judgement, Endurance
Orange- Fire Of God, Deliverance, Passionate, Praise
Pink/Fuchsia-Right Relationship
Scarlet(brilliant red)-Royalty, Fine Linen For Tabernacle
Red (Crimson)-Blood Of Jesus, Love Of God, Blood Of Lamb, Day Of Anointment Salvation
Blue-Heaven, Holy Spirit, Authority
Purple-Priest Hood, Kingship, Royalty, Meditate Wealth​
Gold-Glory, Divinity, Kingship, Eternal, Deity, Foundation, Altar Beauty, Precious, Majesty, Righteousness
Wine- New Birth, Multiply Overflow
Sapphire- Law Commandments Grace, Holy Spirit, Divine Relationship
Turquoise-River Of Gold, Sanctification, Healing, New Jerusalem
Green-Praise, Grow, Prosperity
Secondary Colors And Biblical Meanings
Green is obtained by mixing Yellow (Trails with blue (Word Of God))
Purple is mixing the (Flesh)
Red And Blue (Word Of God) resulting in royalty or Priesthood
The Hebrew Word for Oudem- Means red clay- Names such as Adam Edome and Esau derive from this word meaning (Flesh) the root word for Mankind
Colors As Descriptive in the KJV :
(A) White, Descriptive Of:
Glory And Majesty Dan: 7:9
Rev: 20:11
Purity- Rev 1:14
Victory- Rev 6:2
Completion- John 4:35
(B) Black Descriptive Of:
Sorrow, Calamity-Rev 6-12
Hell- Jude 13
(C) Green Descriptive Of:
Spiritual Privileges- Jer. 11:16
Spiritual Life-Keep in mind there are (2 Types of green)
(D) Red (crimson) Descriptive Of:
Atonement- Is. 63:2
Military Might- Noah 2:3
Persecution- Rev 12:3
Drunkenness- Prov 23:29
Sinfulness- Is.1:18
(E) Purple Descriptive Of: -Royalty- Juds 8:26
Wealth- Luke 16:19
Luxury- Rev 17:4
(F) Blue Descriptive Of: Heavenly Character Ex. 28:31